50 Things to do in the Summer (with a baby!)

Summer is still going strong over here! I have been able to cross a lot of things off our summer bucket list but still have several to go! I thought I would share some of the things we have done along with some other ideas! I try to mix it up between outdoor and indoor activities because sometimes it's just so hot here! Kanaan is also 15 months old so most of these activities are geared for 1-2 year olds but all ages can enjoy most of these!

50 Things to do in the Summer:

1. Go to the zoo!
2. Make (or just buy) and eat popsicles!
3. Go berry picking! Kanaan LOVES all berries so this is something we have to do!
4. Go to a Stroller Strides class in your area! This is a super fun workout for mamas and their babies!
5. Play with play-dough (or make some!)
6. Make a bird feeder. Easy with pinecone, peanut butter, and bird seed!
7. Take a Road Trip or Vacation! This summer was Kanaan's first time in an airplane!
8. Paint a picture! (We love the magic painting books from Usborne!)
9. Take a walk or jog in the stroller!
10. Eat watermelon! Kanaan LOVES his watermelon!
11. Visit the Library! This is a staple for us! There are so many fun classes!
12. Play in a kiddie pool!
13. Watch fireworks or set some off yourself!
14. Walk around the pet store and look at all the animals! Kanaan got to pet the guinea pig!
15. Go the Science Museum! (or visit another fun local museum!) Ours has this awesome water play area for babies and toddlers!
16. Feed the ducks!
17. Make a Smoothie and let the kids help pick the ingredients!
18. Draw a picture! We are still working on this skill, so you could do some foot or hand prints!
19. Visit the fire station! Our city had a "Touch a Truck Day!"
20. Eat some ice cream or if you are really good, make some!
21. Play in the sand! We don't have a sandbox or beach, so we went to a volleyball court! 😂 haha
22. Have a picnic! I also have super fun memories of my family having an indoor picnic for dinner in our living room and watching a movie together!
23. Go to a splash pad! The one at the Myriad Gardens is awesome!
24. Make some S'mores! We have a fire pit, and I have been craving S'mores! So this is next on the list!
25. Watch a parade!
26. Visit the Farmer's Market and name the fruits and vegetables! Or pick out your ingredients for dinner!
27. Play in the backyard! (whitey-tighties not required 🙈)
28. Go to a baseball game!
29. Play with bubbles! There are so many fun bubble toys out there!
30. Take lessons of some sort! We have been taking ISR swim and safety lessons this summer! The library also has tons of music or art lessons!
31. Play in the sprinkler!
32. Visit a horse stable! We went to see the Express Ranch Clydesdales!
33. Eat a snow cone!
34.  Join a play group! You can find so many on Facebook!
35. Give the dog a bath! We desperately need to do this!
36. Go play or watch a sporting event. This picture you can't tell, but we are watching Dad play disc golf!
37. Catch fireflies or play with bugs!
38. Play at a play place! Our local gymnastics gym has an awesome one!
39. Have a Bar-b-que!
40. Go swimming! (Duh!)
41. Make a blanket and pillow fort. For Kanaan this would just be a great place to tumble around and rough house! haha
42. Schedule a playdate with friends! Why not make it the pool again?
43. Go on a boat ride! We haven't been to the lake this summer, but I am determined we still have time to cross this off!
44. Take a hike! I love to carry him when we go on longer walks where the stroller won't go!
45. Have a water balloon fight! Or just let the babies squeeze and play with them!
46. Pick "flowers" or do a nature scavenger hunt! This more turned into pulling our weeds! haha
47. Go to a local fair or festival! Ride a Ferris wheel if possible!
48. Go to the Park! We like to go in the morning before it gets too hot!
49. Play with side walk chalk!
50. Play with a water table!
Bonus! Stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa's so mommy and daddy can have a date night! 🙏

What are some things that you like to do with your kids in the summer??


  1. Love this! Going to try some of these! Never thought of going to the Clydesdale barn! Ellis would love that

    1. It's free! It is sort of a self guided tour and you can see the horses, they also have dogs and cats running around, and they have a little gift shop area also!


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