Date Night Details

Hey guys! Last weekend Aaron and I celebrated our anniversary a little early with dinner and a movie. I guess our dates aren't super original 😂 So, help a sister out and throw me some of your fun date ideas! If you are local, we went to Urban Johnnies downtown for dinner. So yummy!

I think it is so important to schedule time for you and your spouse, especially after having kids. If I am honest, I have been horrible about putting Aaron on the back burner 😖 And so we are working on that as a couple! Our pastors actually did a sermon together on this recently and laid down some general tips for staying connected:

1. Try to have a few minutes to connect and talk in the morning and at night every day. For us, this means I wake up a little earlier and we eat breakfast together. It's hard most days haha but I will get into the habit of waking up! And I can't complain that I have a hubs that makes breakfast for me like every day! 😍

2. Try to plan regular date nights whether that is every week or every other week. Again, with a baby and breastfeeding, it was easy for me to say oh well, we can't. Or just bring him with. And don't get me wrong, we LOVE to take Kanaan places, but I feel like then my attention is directed towards him and the point of the date night is gone. I want to schedule my time like my marriage is important.

3. Take a getaway or trip once or twice a year. This was hard for us, especially with a little baby, but now that we have the first year under our belt we are excited to plan a little trip (it can be something small). These trips or getaways are great opportunities to really reconnect, to talk about goals and dreams you have as a family, rekindle some romance, and laugh and enjoy each other' s company without the added stress of kids.

Overall, this is really something that has just been on my heart lately. I want my family to have a great example of parents that love each other, and I just don't think this happens by accident. We will have to work at staying connected and making choices that pull us closer to one another than in separate directions all the time. What do you guys do to make sure you are keepin' the love alive? 💕

Outfit Details- I got this black dress (maybe it's a cover up) from Versona forever ago, so I linked another that is almost identical! Plus these slides I have been wearing all summer long!

Dress || Slides || Cardigan || Purse


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