Salt Lake City Trip!

I hope everyone's summer is continuing to go great! This summer has been super fun so far, especially my girls trip to Salt Lake City! I actually went for the Young Living Convention with several girls, some I knew and some I only knew from social media! And of course, we all became best friends for life! That is seriously the beauty of this business-- making new friends that challenge you, pray for you, make you laugh, and that you just get to navigate being a mom boss with!

Our trip was jam packed with oily events! We went to a vendor show with some super cute products and of course we all spent way to much money there! 😜 And that night we had the opening ceremony in a huge stadium, and it was super cool to see over 30,000 people all join together with the same goal of wellness and abundance!

Throughout the week we went to sessions where we learned more about the new products that were released (Makeup and sunscreen! I died!), how to better use our oils, and how to better our businesses! We were constantly on the go, and it was hard to take everything in! We also got to go to the expo and try out any of the products that Young Living has. That was one of my favorite parts! Ohhh! and they have this awesome Ningxia Red bar with Ningxia red shots (its like an antioxidant oil infused berry drink if you aren't familiar!) and they had SLUSHIES! So so good!

However, even with all of that amazingness, the best part of all is getting to go to one of Young Living's farms! We went to the Lavender Farm in Mona, about an hour and a half outside SLC. We got to do everything from watch the entire distillation process to plant seeds and lavender of our own! It is simply gorgeous! It is so crazy to me to know that the Lavender I planted will be ready and in bottles in three years! Young Living has what is called a seed to seal guarantee and that basically ensures the quality and integrity of the essential oils they sell. A huge part of the seed to seal is owning their own farms and being transparent in the processes they use to grow and test the plants and oils. It was seriously incredible. Y'all, they hand-weed. Like the entire field. I can't even hand-weed my own yard! 😂 We also had some super hilarious moments at the farm through conversation and jumping around in the lavender and goldenrod (my dress might have flown up, but I'll spare you that picture! 🙈). We ate an amazing lunch and listened to live music. It was seriously just the best day!

Overall, the trip was just so great! I loved making new friends and just being inspired to do better and be  better. I loved getting to come home and share the wealth of information I gained with my own teams and have already seen some girls have some amazing success that has also contributed to my own! I can't wait till next year when we have even MORE girls added to these pictures! I love my team of oily mamas!

PS You can join our team too! We have so much fun doing events around the country for our members, we also do a ton of Facebook events such as oils for babies, oils in the bedroom, make & takes, seasonal parties, etc.! We love providing education to help each other live the best and healthiest lives we can! If you want to join us, it is so easy! All you have to do is say YES! to getting started with oils! To do that just go HERE! and fill in your info and select the products you want! Need help deciding? No big! Message us at


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