Attitude Adjustment
Ive been praying for God to show me what it is that is causing me to have such a lack of joy in my life. Yesterday at church I feel like God spoke to me and answered this question. Our pastor talked about the effects of bitterness on the body - physical effects. Holding onto anger and bitterness can lead to depression, anxiety, arthritis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and more (according to Mayo Clinic). I do not want these things apart of my life!
So moving forward my goal is to really focus on letting go of things that have hurt or bothered me in the past and to focus on the positives and blessings in front of me. I know easier said than done. I journal in my devotional every day and I'm going to start that out with thanking God for the things/people/experiences that I have. I'm also going to try to really take a few minutes each day to breathe and meditate. What do you guys do to stay positive and joyful in the everyday?
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